Here are some commonly asked questions about Conveyancing. If your question isn’t answered below, please contact us for more information.

What is Conveyancing?

Conveyancing is the process of transfer of ownership or legal title of a property between two parties. A Licensed Conveyancer can help you with the sale of your property, purchase of property, transfer and lease of residential or commercial properties and much more.

Buying or Selling a property can be a big decision and can often be stressful. Let the team at Tara Jane Conveyancing make the process as smooth and stress free as possible.

What does a Conveyancer do?

A conveyancer is a professional, qualified in property law to handle the legal process of transferring the title from one party to another. Once agreement is reached on the sale or purchase of a property your licensed conveyancer will ensure legal title is transferred.

Although it is referred to as a “process” we know that each client and property is unique and as such our approach is determined by the individual needs of our clients and their property.

Why do I need a conveyancer?

Buying or selling a home or investment, transferring ownership of a property, making a decision to move into an over 55’s property or retirement village are all big decisions that can be stressful. These decisions also often come with complex Contracts, Leases, Licences and processes which can make the whole experience overwhelming. Having a team of Licensed Conveyancers and support staff highly experienced in handling these matters removes the stress and ensures the process runs smoothly.

Do I need a Solicitor?

No. Just as there are Lawyers specialising in taxation or criminal matters, we as Conveyancers specialise in property law and are qualified to look after your legal work.

A Conveyancer has the knowledge and experience to handle your property matters.

Can you look after my sale or purchase if I don’t live in Newcastle?

Yes we absolutely can. As all of our processes are electronic we can support you wherever you may be. It is rare that clients need to come to our office anymore.

We explain the contract during a scheduled telephone conference with you so although you are not in our office you will still receive the same personal, professional service.

What is Transfer Duty?

Previously known as Stamp Duty, Transfer Duty is a tax you are required to pay when you buy a property, vacant land or a farming property, commercial or industrial property, or a business that includes land.

You must also pay transfer duty when you acquire land, or an interest in land, without necessarily buying it. For example a declaration of trust, a gift, or a transaction effecting a change in the beneficial ownership of a property.

In some circumstances, you may be eligible for a concession or exemption from transfer duty, such as: when you are a beneficiary of a deceased estate, or the transfer is between a married couple or de facto couple.

When Do I Pay Transfer Duty?

Transfer Duty must be paid within three months of signing a contract for sale or transfer of a property, except in the case of off-the-plan purchases.

If you buy off-the-plan and you intend to live in the property, you may be able to defer your transfer duty liability for up to 12 months.

Where Are You Located?

The Tara Jane Conveyancing office is located on Darby Street, Cooks Hill in Newcastle in the Cooks Hill Commercial Centre. There is on-street parking on surrounding streets. The Cooks Hill Commercial Centre is located next to Harris Farm Markets on Darby Street. To find us come through either of the main front doors and up the stairs (or elevator), we are at the northern end of the building. There is an information board located on level 1 showing a map of all offices.

Were you previously called HM Conveyancing?

Yes we recently changed our name from HM Conveyancing to Tara Jane Conveyancing. You can expect the same amazing service and exactly the same leadership of Tara Holahan and her team of Licensed Conveyancers and support staff.

Do you have a question we haven’t answered? You can email us, or call us on 02 4926 1222.